
Create professional photo prints with your photos or artwork.

Fotoku Digital is a company specializing in the design and manufacturing of high quality hand-made photo albums, wedding books, stationery, corporate packaging, and paper products.

Our Outlets

We grow along with our members’ supports and loyalty. Hence, we always try to do our best in service and quality.

The 1st showroom of Fotoku Digital is on Jl.Dr. Susilo Raya No.341 B, Grogol, West Jakarta. Along with its capacity and to meet their members’ demands, Fotoku Digital takes the opportunity to widen its branch and makes improvements each day. Nowadays Fotoku Digital already serves thousands of its members in 6 locations, including 3 branches outside Jakarta.

Why Choose Us

Comfortable Store

Competitive Prices

Long Live Guarantee

Original Material

Well Packed Products

Our Products

We constantly create new concepts and designs to satisfy our customers needs.

Fotoku Digital is committed to maintain the originality and quality which are the hallmark of our exclusive products with innovative techniques.